Want to be financially independent? Here is a secret.
YOUR health is your wealth. AfroEconomics with JB Bryan presents the “Black Health – Black Wealth” a Day party on Saturday, September 14th at Richmond’s Westerre Conference Center.
Enjoy music from DJ Drake. Dance with Kamel Line Dance King RVA and sweat in Su-Ya_Pa’s Sassy and Saucy class…..
Get empowered in JB’s Financial Workshop and enjoy a LIVE panel leaders and experts – come with questions!
Black Health Black Wealth event, Saturday, September 14th the Party starts at 10.
Come enjoy Free Food, Music, Fitness, and Financial empowerment.
PLUS bring diapers, to donate to the Mommies of Healthy Heart Plus.
Register today at BlackHealthBlackWealth.com or call 1-844-JBBRYAN.
This event is sponsored by JB Bryan Financial Group. A Registered Investment Advisory Firm.